Hawks Eye Generator~CRHEGEN1

$ 11.00

Hawks Eye (Blue Tiger Eye) Generator~CRHEGEN1. Blue Tigers Eye, also known as Hawks Eye, enhances integrity of communication and practical communication, helps find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm, can be used for protection, especially of the upper chakras, said to bring good luck, calming and releases stress, aids the quick-tempered, overanxious and phobic, said to alleviate fear of flying in children, helps healers protect against the negative energy of others, protective when traveling in hill country or mountains, used for astral travel, clairvoyance and remote viewing. Tiger Eye is resonates self-discipline and peacefulness. It is said to assist in problem solving, organization and rising above self-imposed limitations. It is thought to abate negativity, depression and shame while enhancing stamina and vitality. Considered a stone of creativity, especially in finding fair solutions for the highest good of all. 74mm x 22mm x 18mm

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