Graphic Feldspar Palm Stone~CRGRFLDP

$ 18.00

Graphic Feldspar Palm Stone~CRGRFLDP. Graphic Feldspar is the name given for Smoky Quartz in Feldspar. It can help to align our chakras, subtle bodies and meridians. It can help us when we need to learn how to trust people again. It helps us with this by helping us realize that we don't need our own "personal territory" around us and that we can learn to cooperate with other people for the benefit of all concerned. It also has a sustaining energy helping us to stick with activities we undertake or situations that we find ourselves in. It can help us to overcome tragedy in our lives and can dispel anger. It also helps us to reach the goals that we have set for ourselves in life, but by new, exciting and different methods from those we would normally take. It is also said to have the ability to help us find lost or misplaced items. There are many types of Feldspar known on Earth, and some have even been found on the Moon. Graphic Feldspar can make it easier for us to contact the ancient builders of Egypt, providing us with an insight into ancient ways of doing things, and access to their wisdom. It further helps us to make contact with intergalactic intelligences and can stimulate our own psychic abilities. 69mm x 46mm x 28mm

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