Iceland Spar Crystal~CRICESPA
Iceland Spar Crystal~CRICESPA. Iceland Spar is used to remind one of the double meaning of words and in communication during difficult conversation, revitalizes the aura and brings deep healing to the soul, brings clarity to all situations, a stone of new beginnings, helps one see reality in a new way, reminding one that you are a spiritual being on a human journey, helps one see clearly to the roots within the self of problems causing symptoms of negative emotions, assists one in more easily forgive oneself and others, can assist during meditation in achieving a multi-level awareness, helps to eliminate getting trapped in outdated mental constructs in one’s search for the truth, can shed light on where self- imposed limitations are holding one back in life, assists one in “getting out of one’s own way” & releasing resistance to Divine will, excellent for the third eye, promotes psychic vision, assists those who wish to see & read auras, assists one in releasing fear- based or scarcity-based motivations for one’s actions and creations. One (1) Iceland Spar Crystal. Size/shape varies, avg. size 34mm x 34mm x 23mm.