Welcome to EarthSpeak's New Online Store!

EarthSpeak is a unique store located in Chester County in Southeastern Pennsylvania (Philadelphia Region) offering spiritually minded cross cultural items, Lots of Crystals and Minerals, Salt Lamps, Mala Prayer Beads, Native American Ritual Items (Sage etc.), Angel oracle cards, Tarot cards, Pendulums, Runes, handmade jewelry, aromatherapy, art, candles, wood carvings, angels, books, music, Incense, cards, singing bowls, tingshas, Sacred statues (Buddha, Kwan Yin, Ganesh etc.), and much more. See About Us for more information!

We have a much larger selection of items in our retail store than website. We carry most of the same minerals in our store as our website, just NOT the specific minerals and one-of-a-kind items pictured on our website, which are kept in our web warehouse.


1725 Conestoga Road (Rt 401) Chester Springs, Pa. 19425